
unusual facts about Æthelstan

Anglo-Saxon law

Practically the entire code of Æthelberht, for instance, is a tariff of fines for crimes, and the same subject continues to occupy a great place in the laws of Hlothhere and Eadric, Ine and Alfred, whereas it appears only occasionally in the treaties with the Danes, the laws of Withraed, Edward the Elder, Æthelstan, Edgar, Edmund I and Æthelred.

Æthelstan Half-King

Miller, Sean, "Æthelstan Half-King" in Michael Lapidge et al., The Blackwell Encyclopedia of Anglo-Saxon England. Blackwell, 1999.

Other people associated with Æthelstan's family include Ealdorman Byrhtnoth, whose defeat at the Battle of Maldon is commemorated in verse.

Æthelstan of Abingdon

Æthelstan became Abbot of Abingdon about 1044, following Siward's promotion, and died in 1047 or 1048 (Kelly 2000).

Huwal of the West Welsh

In the Chronicle, Huwal is one of several kings who signed a treaty at Eamont Bridge accepting King Æthelstan of England as their overlord.

see also