
unusual facts about Çamëria


Albanian iso-polyphony

Among Albanians, all four regions of Myzeqe, Toskëri, Çamëria, and Labëria have the polyphonic song as part of their culture.

Population exchange between Greece and Turkey

Ultimately, the Greek authorities decided to deport thousands of Muslims from the Çamëria region, together with myriad others from Larissa, Langada, Drama, Vodina, Serez, Edessa, Florina, Kilkis, Kavala, and Salonika.

Song of Çelo Mezani

The song was composed during the period of the Albanian National Awakening and is a narrative and a lament of the death of Çelo Mezani, a well-known Cham Albanian revolutionary from the village of Perdika in modern north-western Greece (Çamëria).

see also