30 mm caliber | 25 mm caliber | Powder chamber of a ''Veuglaire'', caliber 130 mm, length 1.07 m, wrought iron, early 15th century, La Fère | Caliber Comics | 5"/54 caliber Mark 45 gun | 20 mm caliber |
Sirhan Sirhan shot and killed Presidential candidate United States Senator Robert F. Kennedy in Los Angeles, California on 5 June 1968 with an eight-shot Iver Johnson .22 caliber Cadet 55-A revolver (serial number H-53725, Trial-People's Exhibit #6, misidentified in trial testimony as S/N H-18602).
The .303/22 was very popular for a number of reasons, one being that the .22 caliber was better suited to small game than the .303, the rifles were cheap and plentiful and in New South Wales ownership of military cartridges was severely restricted.
Now standing in one corner of a boxing ring with a .22 caliber Colt automatic pistol, shooting a bullet weighing only 40 grains and with a striking energy of 51 foot pounds at 25 feet from the muzzle, I will guarantee to kill either boxer Gene Tunney or Joe Louis before they get to me from the opposite corner.
Jeffress carried into the basilica two boxes—one containing a MAC-90 rifle (a Chinese-made replica of the AK-47) and a stripped down .22 caliber rifle.
However, after almost six months of trial, the court of Coban found them innocent and they were set free for purported lack of hard evidence, despite the fact that the bullet found in Rosebaugh's corpse, according to ballistics experts, matched one of the guns, a .22 caliber automatic Magnum owned by Choc.
While the barrel is sized to receive a .22 caliber projectile, the chamber and magazine are sized to receive 7.62×25mm Tokarev cartridges.
Some .22-caliber rimfire ammunition is made by SK Jagd und Sportmunitions Gmbh (SK Hunting- and Sporting-Ammunition) of Schönebeck, Salzlandkreis, Saxony-Anhalt, Germany.