
unusual facts about 15th ''Panzer'' Division

1st Wessex Artillery

With a reformed Brigade Ammunition Column, CCXV Bde moved in October 1916 to Basra to take part in the Mesopotamian campaign, and on 8 December 1916 it joined 3rd (Lahore) Division of the Indian Army on the Tigris front.

Alfred Ritter von Hubicki

Alfred Eduard Franz Ritter von Hubicki (5 February 1887 – 14 July 1971) was a Hungarian born Austrian army officer who was a Panzer General in the German army during World War II.


Initially, before the first campaigns of the Second World War they included horse-mounted and bicycle troops in the infantry divisions, and were equipped with motorcycle combinations (BMW R75s, Zündapps etc.), VW Kübelwagens, and light armoured cars in the more mobile motorised infantry and panzer divisions.

Battle of Bir Hakeim

Rommel had only 90,000 men and 575 Panzers compared to the British forces of 100,000 men and 994 tanks, but he had the initiative and his troops were more experienced, and had proven themselves more competent at desert warfare.

Battle of Gondar

On 13 November, a mixed force from the British 12th (African) Division under Major-General Charles Fowkes—supported by Ethiopian irregular troops—attacked the key defensive position of Kulkaber and were repelled.

Battle of Le Transloy

The battle, which opened on 1 October, began well with the capture of Eaucourt L'Abbaye by the 47th (1/2nd London) Division as well as an advance along the Albert-Bapaume road towards Le Sars.

Battle of Verrières Ridge

The main combatants were two Canadian infantry divisions—with additional support from the Canadian 2nd Armoured Brigade—against elements of three German SS Panzer divisions.

Cavalry Tank Museum, Ahmednagar

Amongst the exhibits are British Valentine, Japanese type 95 HA-GO and Tyand-97 Chi- Ha, Sherman Crab flail tank, M-47 Patton Centurion Mark ll, German Panzer and pride of India Vijayanta.


In the Battle of Brody (1941) the German 1st Panzer Group under Ewald von Kleist managed to break the counter-attack by Soviet 9th and 19th Mechanized Corps, and 8th Mechanized Corps.

Earle Bunker

Lieutenant Colonel Robert Moore had been awarded the Distinguished Service Cross for leading his battalion against Erwin Rommel's Panzers in North Africa.

Edward James Montagu-Stuart-Wortley

Between 1908 to 1912 he commanded the 10th Infantry Brigade at Shorncliffe Army Camp and in 1914 became the commanding officer of the 46th (North Midland) Division Territorial Force.

Erich Kahsnitz

title= Commander of Füsilier-Regiment "Großdeutschland"|

Everyman's War

As the seasoned infantry and tank units of the German 11th Panzer "Ghost" division move silently into position on the snow covered hills around Nennig, Germany, a battle weary GI and his unit stand ready to defend the small town, a key position in the Allied advance to win the war.

Ferdinand Maria von Senger und Etterlin

On July 1, 1974, he returned to duty with the German field army, assuming command of the 7th Panzer Division, stationed in Unna.

Fife and Forfar Yeomanry

They were dismounted and eventually became The 14th (FFY) Battalion, of The Black Watch As part of the 74th (Yeomanry) Division they served in Egypt and Palestine in 1917 and 1918 before being moving to France in 1918.

Gommecourt, Pas-de-Calais

The victorious German troops who defended the village during the battle were the 52nd Infantry Division from Baden together with 2nd Guards Reserve Division from Westphalia; the British Army force taking part in the attack comprised the 56th (London) Division and the 46th (North Midland) Division.

Helmuth Weidling

Hoffmeister was in command when most of General Hans Jordan's German 9th Army, along with the XLI Panzer Corps, was encircled by the enemy during the Soviet Bobruysk Offensive.

Hermann Schulte-Heuthaus

title=Commander of Füsilier Regiment Großdeutschland|

Italian participation in the Eastern Front

While the 11th Army besieged Odessa, the CSIR was attached to First Panzer Group under General von Kleist.

Jag Panzer

Jag Panzer sought to tackle more ambitious territory for their next album, with Thane to the Throne, a concept album about William Shakespeare's Macbeth.

Kurt Hartrampf

He was transferred to command the I Battalion, SS Panzer Regiment 10, 10th SS Panzer Division Frundsberg (refers to 16th Century German landsknecht commander Georg von Frundsberg), in 1944 and then was given command of the 102 SS Heavy Panzer Battalion in August 1944.

Laurence Henry Hicks

He migrated to Australia in 1952 after having served in World War II with both the British Army's Black Watch and the Fourth Canadian Armoured Division's military bands.

Military history of Latvia during World War II

Panzers of Hyazinth Graf Strachwitz von Gross-Zauche und Camminetz had been sent back to the capital of Ostland, Riga and in ferocious defensive battles had halted the Soviet advance in late April, 1944.

Monte Cassino

Fortunately, German officers Lt. Col. Julius Schlegel (a Roman Catholic) and Capt. Maximilian Becker (a Protestant), both from the Panzer-Division Hermann Göring, had them transferred to the Vatican at the beginning of the battle.

Operation Battleaxe

The primary responsibility of the frontier defence was charged to the 15th Panzer Division, which had recently received a new commander, General Walter Neumann-Silkow, on 8 June.

Panzer Badge

On November 3, 1944 the head of the Luftwaffe, Reichsmarschall Hermann Göring, instituted the Luftwaffe Panzer Badge, to honour the Panzer troops of the Luftwaffe Field Divisions.

Panzer General: Russian Assault

Panzer General: Russian Assault is the sequel to Panzer General: Allied Assault that debuted in January 2010.

Panzer General: Russian Assault is the name of a board game developed by Petroglyph Games, sequel to Panzer General: Allied Assault that debuted in January 2010.

Panzer Grenadier series

The Panzer Grenadier series of Board wargames is Avalanche Press's series of World War II tactical land combat.

Panzer I

Some Chinese Panzer Is were captured by the Japanese and were displayed at the Yasukuni Shrine in Tokyo.

Panzer-Abteilung 211

This force would participate in a sub-operation of Operation Silver Fox code-named Operation Arctic Fox which was a campaign against Soviet Northern Front defenses at Salla, Finland in July 1941.

Panzertruppenschule I

Panzertruppenschule I (Armoured Troops School No.1) was the first of two major schools set up by the German Panzerwaffe in World War II to train German armour officers to operate Panzers.

Paul-Albert Kausch

In February 1943, he was tasked with raising the 11th SS Panzer Battalion Nordland, which was ordered to the Oranienbaumer, Kessel sector during the withdrawal to the Narva.

Pól Thorsteinsson

At the end of his career Pól Thorsteinsson played with VB/Sumba, who won the Faroese 1. division; in 2010 they changed their name to FC Suðuroy, and the team will be playing in the best division Vodafonedeildin, but Pól Thorsteinsson decided to end his football career at the end of the 2009 season.

Prince of Wales' Division

Mercian Regiment - formed on 1 September 2007 by amalgamation of the 1st Battalion, 22nd (Cheshire) Regiment, 1st Battalion, Worcestershire and Sherwood Foresters Regiment (29th/45th Foot), 1st Battalion, Staffordshire Regiment (The Prince of Wales's) and the West Midlands Regiment.

Red Panzer

During the recent events chronicled in Infinite Crisis, Red Panzer was one of many superhuman criminals who joined the villainous Society organized by Alexander Luthor, Jr. Red Panzer is sent, along with other villains, on a murderous rampage throughout Gotham City, as seen Gotham Central #37 (2005).

Richard Haking

The future Air Vice Marshal Philip Game, then serving as GSO1 to 46th Division, wrote frequently in letters to his wife (10, 11, 24 November, 8, 10, 20 December 1915) of how Haking interfered frequently with his planning.

Royal Irish Fusiliers

The 6th Battalion Royal Irish Fusiliers received orders to embark for service in the Dardanelles on 9 July 1915 as part of the 31st Brigade, 10th (Irish) Division.

Rudolf Demme

On January 10, 1943 Demme became a Commander the 59th Panzer-Grenadier-Regiment of the 20th Panzer Division and led his unit through the bloody battles on the Eastern front until July 25, 1944 (Orel, Brjansk, Mogilew, Witebsk, Newel, Bobruisk, Cholm).

Rudolf von Waldenfels

Rudolf Freiherr von Waldenfels is the grandnephew of highly decorated Wehrmacht Panzer general Rudolf Freiherr von Waldenfels.

SS Brigade Westfalen

Regiment "Holzer" was named after its commander Obersturmführer, Friedrich Holzer and consisted of the SS Panzer Training and Replacement Regiment in Augustdorf, which consisted of five battalions.

Sussex Yeomanry

In September 1915 the regiment was dismounted and moved to Gallipoli, landing at Cape Helles on October 7, 1915 and attached to the 42nd Division.

The Rubber Band

The series of black-and-white telemovies stars Tino Buazzelli (Nero Wolfe), Paolo Ferrari (Archie Goodwin), Pupo De Luca (Fritz Brenner), Renzo Palmer (Inspector Cramer), Roberto Pistone (Saul Panzer), Mario Righetti (Orrie Cather) and Gianfranco Varetto (Fred Durkin).

Theodor Plievier

The two main characters in Stalingrad are the Panzer commander Vilshofen and Gnotke, NCO of a Strafbattalion (penal battalion).

Tulle murders

After the Normandy Landings, the 2nd Panzer Division received orders to position themselves in the region between Tulle and Limoges to suppress the Maquis, who, in coordination with the Allied invasion, were intensifying their insurgency against German interests and forces.


Vespula austriaca (Panzer, 1799) – Red Cuckoo Wasp

Walter Reder

On Reder's direct orders the SS-Panzer-Aufklärungsabteilung 16 destroyed the village Marzabotto in reprisal for the local support given to the partisans and the resistance movement.

Walter von Wietersheim

Company/Panzer Regiment Großdeutschland

Company/Panzer Regiment Grossdeutschland with the rank of Hauptmann in May 1944, when Grossdeutschland was heavily involved in defensive actions on the Eastern Front.

see also