Julio Iglesias | Saks Fifth Avenue | Fifth Avenue | Park Avenue | Madison Avenue | Park Avenue (Manhattan) | Claiborne Avenue | Woodbine Avenue | Julio Cortázar | Fairfax Avenue | Julio César Chávez | Carrollton Avenue | St. Charles Avenue | Seventh Avenue | Constitution Avenue | Hennepin Avenue | Avenue Q | Vermont Avenue | Michigan Avenue | Cheltenham Avenue | Shattuck Avenue | Seventh Avenue (band) | The Prisoner of Second Avenue | Rustaveli Avenue | Rizal Avenue | Massachusetts Avenue | Lexington Avenue | Huntington Avenue | University Avenue | St. Clair Avenue |
It starts at Tres Cruces at the intersection with 18 de Julio Avenue, passes under Artigas Boulevard through the homonymous tunnel, runs for about 5.6 kilometers northeast and turns into Camino Maldonado (Ruta 8) at the point where Avenida José Belloni splits off towards the north.