
unusual facts about 1984 Anti-Sikh Riots

Human rights in India

The 1984 Anti-Sikh Riots was a four-day period during which Sikhs were massacred by members of the secular-centrist Congress Party of India; some estimates state that more than 2,000 were killed.

N. S. Madhavan

When Big Trees Fall, a short story by Madhavan, is about the homicidal attacks on the Sikhs that occurred following the 1984 assassination of the then Indian Prime Minister Indira Gandhi and has been filmed as the Hindi movie, Kaya Taran by Sashi Kumar in 2004.

Who Are The Guilty

Who are the Guilty is a report published by two Delhi based human rights organizations PUDR (People's Union For Democratic Rights) and PUCL (People's Union For Civil Liberties) in November 1984 after conducting investigations into widespread murder, looting and rioting during 1984 Anti-Sikh riots.

see also