
unusual facts about 2000AD


Betelgeuse in fiction

2000AD (1977- ), British comic book series written by John Wagner, Alan Grant, Pat Mills, Grant Morrison, Mark Millar, Ian Edginton, and Alan Moore.

Dietrich Eckart

In part 4, Phase 1 of the 2000AD story Zenith by Grant Morrison and Steve Yeowell Eckardt is referred to and depicted as the poet and mystic who initiated a German army corporal (Adolf Hitler) into the occult group called the Cult of the Black Sun after recognizing his potential as a medium.

Orlok the Assassin

Return of the Assassin - John Wagner, Artist: Cam Kennedy - 2000AD #1141 to 1147

Block Mania - John Wagner with Mike McMahon, Ron Smith, Steve Dillon, Brian Bolland - 2000AD #236-244

see also