
unusual facts about 20th century classical music

Bernard Reichel

His musical language is militantly tonal considering the time in which he wrote and taught, and informed by folk music and medieval modes in a way reminiscent, perhaps, of Ralph Vaughan Williams' work.

Edoardo Catemario

His performances include the romantic repertoire (played on original instruments), baroque, 20th century music, contemporary and avant-garde music, and include solo, chamber works and concertos for guitar and orchestra.

Piano quartet

In the 20th century, composers have also written for more varied groups, with Anton Webern's Quartet, opus 22 (1930), for example, being for piano, violin, clarinet and tenor saxophone, and Paul Hindemith's quartet (1938) as well as Olivier Messiaen's Quatuor pour la fin du temps (1940) both for piano, violin, cello and clarinet.

see also