
4 unusual facts about 36th parallel south

Narrowfin smooth-hound

The narrowfin smooth-hound (also called Florida smooth-hound), Mustelus norrisi, is a houndshark of the family Triakidae, found on the continental shelves of the subtropical western Atlantic from Florida and the northern Gulf of Mexico to Venezuela, and also southern Brazil, between latitudes 32° N and 36° S, from the surface to 100 m.

Smalleye smooth-hound

The smalleye smooth-hound, Mustelus higmani, is a houndshark of the family Triakidae, found on the continental shelves of the western Atlantic between latitudes 11° N and 36° S, from the surface to 900 m.

Smallmouth velvet dogfish

The smallmouth knifetooth dogfish, Scymnodon obscurus, is a harmless sleeper shark of the family Somniosidae, found in the central Atlantic between latitudes 65°N and 36°S, from the surface to 1,450 m.

Whitespotted smooth-hound

The whitespotted smooth-hound, Mustelus palumbes, is a houndshark of the family Triakidae, found on the continental shelves of the southeast Atlantic from Namibia around South Africa between latitudes 17° S and 36° S, from the surface to 440 m.

see also