
unusual facts about 70 mm film

A Year Along the Abandoned Road

Directed by Morten Skallerud, the film was shot in Super Panavision 70 (65 mm negative) and shows a whole year passing by in Norway's Børfjord at 50,000 times the normal speed in just 12 minutes.


Initial approaches to moving fulldome imagery used wide-angle lenses, both 35 and 70 mm film, but the expense and ungainly nature of the film medium prevented much progress; furthermore, film formats such as Omnimax did not cover the full two pi steradians of the dome surface, leaving a section of the dome blank (though, due to seating arrangements, that part of the dome was not seen by most viewers).

Loew's Jersey Theatre

Work is currently underway to install 70 mm projection equipment, as well as Dolby Digital, DTS, and 6-track magnetic sound.

Voyage to the Outer Planets

Voyage to the Outer Planets was an early multimedia experiment combining Omnimax film, 70 mm film and Planetarium special effects.

see also