On February 25, 2013 - after one year launch delay -Aalborg University did launch AAUSAT3.
In 2001 EPSC opened its Master's Degree in Telecommunication Engineering, with a curriculum fully based on a project-based learning strategy, with a structure similar to that used by Aalborg University (Denmark).
The HsH cooperates with diverse institutions such as Aalborg University, the Hogeschool Gent, and a wide range of partners in industry.
Dr. Keith Nicholson: As a professor specialising in data modelling on energy and environmental systems Dr. Nicholson worked at the UN-funded Renewable Energy Institute in Auckland, New Zealand and later at the Environmental Engineering Institute of Aalborg University in Denmark.
But when the Vice-Chancellor of Aalborg University, Sven Caspersen, and Vice-Rector of the Royal Academy of Music North Denmark, Peter Wang, during a tennis match come up with the idea of establishing a research and educational unit in Musikkens Hus, new life is breathed into the project.
Aalborg University has its music education and research, and their department Danish JazzCenter is also located, in Musikkens Hus.
According to research conducted at the Aalborg University, 86% of public works projects end up with cost overruns.
He continued as professor of Mathematics and Statistics at Aalborg University, Denmark, from 1981 to 2004.
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After receiving his Ph.D., Christensen held teaching and research positions at Aalborg University, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, and the Royal Institute of Technology.
The IKE Group, a research group at the Department of Business Studies, Aalborg University, Denmark