
3 unusual facts about Abbas Gharib

Abbas Gharib

The beauty of Venice and its cultural and artistic lifestyle, in the presence of creative figures like Peggy Guggenheim, Lucio Fontana, Allen Ginsberg, Ezra Pound, Carlo Scarpa in the Sixties and Seventies, influenced him to such an extent that he decided to settle there, moving away from his original area of intellectual life in Teheran: a decision which was basic to his consecutive formation.

competition for the transformation of the monumental furnaces of Asolo, Italy with the construction of the new administrative, production, and exhibition center of ceramic arts, third prize;


Post-contemporary, was a neologism for definition of pioneering creative agendas, coined in 2005 by Abbas Gharib in a conversation with Bahram Shirdel, two architects of Iranian origins, both proficient in western culture and participant in the current architectural debate.

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