Ahmed Abdallah Mohamed Sambi | Georges Ibrahim Abdallah | 'Abdallāh | Tayeb Abdallah | Salim Abdallah Khalfan | Naaman Forest High School | Mohammad Abu Abdallah Ben Hudzail al Sahuir | Hassan Abdallah Hassan | Anna Abdallah | Amina Abdallah Arraf al Omari | Abu Abdallah ibn Askar | Abdallah Schleifer | Abdallah Salem el-Badri | Abdallah ibn Ali | Abdallah Al Rowaished |
In 1998, he told Abdallah Naaman: "We are the "Shawams" (Syro-Lebanese, referring to the Bilad al-Sham) of Egypt. My father is a Greek Orthodox native of the village of al-Qusayr, near Homs, in Syria. Upon arriving in Cairo at the end of the 19th century, our surname's pronunciation was simplified to "Cossery" (from "Qusayri")."