
unusual facts about Abrahamic religions

Comparative linguistics

Some believers in Abrahamic religions try to derive their native languages from Classical Hebrew, as Herbert W. Armstrong, a proponent of British Israelism, who said that the word 'British' comes from Hebrew brit meaning 'covenant' and ish meaning 'man', supposedly proving that the British people are the 'covenant people' of God.

Ginger Cow

Peace is achieved in the Middle East among the three Abrahamic religions, who morph the cross, Star of David, and hilal into a new unifying symbol: The logo of the band Van Halen, which appears on a stage to commence a 10-year concert in Israel.

Opel Adam

Adam is a given name in many languages, after the legendary figure Adam of the Abrahamic religions, and specifically the given name of the company's founder Adam Opel.

see also


End time, a time period described in the eschatological writings in the three Abrahamic religions (Judaism, Christianity, and Islam) and in doomsday scenarios in various other non-Abrahamic religions


Eve, according to the creation myth of Abrahamic religions, the first woman created by God