
2 unusual facts about Affiche rouge

Affiche Rouge

The Affiche Rouge ("Red Poster") is a famous propaganda poster, distributed by Vichy French and German authorities in the spring of 1944 in occupied Paris, to discredit 23 French Resistance fighters, members of the Manouchian Group.

Rouben Melik and Paul Éluard also wrote poems in honour of the Manouchian Group.

Fort Mont-Valérien

(Olga Bancic, condemned to death as a member of the Affiche Rouge group, was then deported to Stuttgart where she was beheaded by axe.)

Main-d'œuvre immigrée

The most famous of the FTP-MOI's members was Missak Manouchian, and the FTP-MOI is widely known from the Affiche rouge, a German propaganda poster displaying the members of the FTP-MOI after their arrest at the end of 1943, whose aim was to stigmatise the presence of foreigners and Jews among the French Resistance; a poem by Louis Aragon, set to music and sung by Léo Ferré, deals with this story.

see also