
unusual facts about African American literature

Keith Gilyard

Raymond Keith Gilyard (born 1952 in New York City) is a prominent writer and American professor of English who teaches and researches in the fields of rhetoric, composition, literacy studies, sociolinguistics, and African American literature.

Saidiya Hartman

Saidiya Hartman is a professor at Columbia University specializing in African American literature and history.

see also

Harryette Mullen

Mullen has taught at Cornell University, and currently teaches courses in American poetry, African American literature, and creative writing at the University of California, Los Angeles.

Longview Race Riot

The most influential African American literature to circulate in Longview was The Chicago Defender, a weekly newspaper with nationwide coverage and circulation.

Victor Séjour

In Nellie Y. McKay, Henry Louis Gates (eds), The Norton Anthology of African American Literature Second edition, Norton, 2004.