
unusual facts about African American studies

Robert B. Stepto

Robert B. Stepto is a literary theorist and professor of African American studies, English and American Studies at Yale University.

see also

Ahmos Zu-Bolton

While living in New Orleans he taught English, African-American Studies, and Creative Writing classes at Xavier University, Tulane University and Delgado Community College.

Barbara Christian

Barbara Christian (b. December 12, 1943, St. Thomas, US Virgin Islands; d. June 25, 2000 Berkeley, California) was an author and professor of African-American Studies at the University of California, Berkeley.

Janis F. Kearney

In 2001, Janis moved to Chicago, but began a two-year Fellowship at the Harvard University W. E. B. Du Bois Institute of African and African American Studies, where she began writing her Clinton biography, Conversations: William Jefferson Clinton-From Hope to Harlem.


J. Lorand Matory Professor of Anthropology and of African and African American Studies at Harvard University

William Jelani Cobb

William Jelani Cobb, born September 22, 1967, is an American author and educator, Associate Professor of History and Director of the Institute for African American Studies at University of Connecticut in Storrs, CT.