
unusual facts about Aja people

Demographics of Benin

:African 99% (42 ethnic groups, most important being Fon, Adja, Yoruba, Bariba), Europeans 10,000


Very little is known about Do-Aklin and most of it is connected to folklore, but it is generally claimed that he settled a large group of Aja people from Allada on the Abomey plateau amongst the local inhabitants in c. 1620.

Fon people

In the Juan Liscano historian´s opinion, before of 1700 the Fon of Whydah, Dahomey, sold to European traders members of the following tribes (Liscano, 1950: 74 s): Wida, Popo, Adja (residents in southeastern Togo and Benin southeast), Ketou (perhaps the city of the same name in Benin), Ewe and Mahi (residents in Abomey, the old capital of Dahomey Empire).

see also

Fon people

According to them, between the twelfth and thirteenth centuries some of the Aja people, originating from Tado, a village in south east Togo, to the banks of the Mono River, emigrated to the eastern part of its territory, now Benin, and founded the town of Allada.