
unusual facts about Akbar Khan

Mohammed Akbar

Akbar Khan or Mohammed Akbar Khan - Emir of Afghanistan and son of Dost Mohammed Khan

Afghan Independence Day

The First Anglo-Afghan War (1839–1842) led to the defeat of the entire British-led Indian invaders by the Afghan National Army (ANA) under Akbar Khan somewhere at the Kabul-Jalalabad Road, near the city of Jalalabad.


In 1837 when the Sikh army was concentrated at Lahore to celebrate the marriage of Kawar Nau Nihal Singh, the grandson of Maharaja Ranjit Singh, Afghans sensing the opportunity and led by Akbar Khan laid the siege to Jamrud, trapping about one thousand Sikh troops with Afghans army of twenty to twenty five thousands troops.

see also


Ali Akbar College of Music, three schools founded by Indian musician Ali Akbar Khan to teach Indian classical music

In Concert 1972

The album features three ragas, including "Raga Sindhi Bhairavi", which Ali Akbar Khan had previously interpreted on his landmark recording Music of India (1955).