Akiko Shikata | Akiko Yano | Masato Wada | Akiko Thomson | Akiko Kojima | Yoshi Wada | Yoshie Wada | Wada Yoshimori | Wada, Nagano | WADA | Rear entrance to Nana Phadanvis' house (''Nana phadanvis wada'') which is still preserved today in the same condition as when Nana built it in 1780. Location: Menawali | George Wada | Eiiti Wada | Ben Wada | Anne Akiko Meyers | Akiko Sugiyama | Akiko Solon | Akiko Morigami | Akiko Kimura | Akiko Ebi |
Tough girl biker Ako (pop singer Akiko Wada) comes across Mei (Meiko Kaji) and her girl gang (the Alleycats/Stray Cats) as they are about to have a knife fight in Shinjuku, Tokyo with another gang of girls.