The next day, 200 Yemeni troops surrounded the kidnappers and the hostages in Al Wade'a District.
Südoststeiermark District | district | Eichsfeld (district) | Darjeeling district | Hartberg (district) | Bad Kreuznach (district) | Lake District | school district | Hildesheim (district) | District of Columbia | United States District Court for the Southern District of New York | historic district | Reutte (district) | Peak District | Leibnitz (district) | Perg (district) | electoral district | District | central business district | Neuwied (district) | Murau (district) | Bludenz (district) | Chittoor District | Zwettl (district) | electoral district (Canada) | United States Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit | South Carolina's 3rd congressional district | Federal District (Brazil) | The District | Ahmednagar district |
Meanwhile, armed tribespeople cleared Islamist militants from the nearby towns of Shuqrah and Wade'a without a shot fired.
There is a ruined fort from the 2nd or 3rd century and views of Karl Marx Peak to the south.