
unusual facts about Alavi


Alavi Bohra |

650 Fifth Avenue

In September 2013 United States District Court for the Southern District of New York Judge Katherine B. Forrest ruled "based on the uncontroverted record evidence, Assa was (and is) a front for Iran's first national bank Bank Melli, and thus a front for the government of Iran" and thus Alavi should forfeit for the property.

Arwa al-Sulayhi

Owing to her patronage of missions, an Ismāʿīlī community was established in Gujarat in the second half of the 11th century, which still survives there today as Dawoodi Bohra, Sulaymani and Alavi.

Bozorg Alavi

His father, Abol Hassan Alavi, took part in the 1906 Constitutional Revolution and later published (with Hasan Taqizadeh) the progressive newsletter Kaveh (Kaweh) in Germany.


The greatest poet of 'naat' genre of Urdu poetry Mohsin Kakorvi, his son Noorul Hasan Nayyier, the compiler of Nurul Lughaat, one of the authentic Urdu Dictionary to date and the satirist Ghulam Ahmed Alavi 'Furqat Kakorvi' all belonged to this town.

Kakori Shaikh

The town of Kakori in Lucknow district is home to a number of Alavi and Abbasi families, and word Kakorvi Shaikh literally means the Shaikhs of the town of Kakori.

According to a classical Urdu work, the Nafhatun Nasim, which is a record of scions of a 16th-century sage Mullah Abdul Karim Alavi and which was later published by Amir Ahmed Alavi in 1934, and is an historic account of the settlement of these Alavi Shaikhs in the town of Kakori.

Zaydi Revolt

Actually, the Zaydi Revolt continued until 785 and re-erupted in Tabaristan under the leadership of the Zayd ibn Ali's son, "Hasan ibn Zayd’ūl-Alavī." His revolt attracted many supporters, among them the ruler of Rustamids, the son of "Farīdūn" (a descendant of Rostam Farrokhzād) "Abd al-Rahmān ibn Rustam" who was well known by the name of "Bānū-Bādūsyān," worth mentioning.

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