His faculty consists of well-known and prestigious filmmakers including John Badham, David S. Ward, Bill Kroyer, Bill Dill, Paul Seydor, Alex Rose, Martha Coolidge, and Larry Paul.
Rose | Rose Bowl Game | Rose Bowl | Pete Rose | Alex Ferguson | rose | Axl Rose | The Name of the Rose | Charlie Rose | Alex Rodriguez | Gypsy Rose Lee | Alex Cox | Alex | Alex Jones | Alex Chilton | Mary Rose | Leonard Rose | Alex Trebek | Alex Salmond | Alex Katz | White Rose | Rose-ringed Parakeet | Alex Riel | Rose Byrne | Rose Bowl (stadium) | Alex Ross | Alex Haley | Àlex Corretja | Rose Royce | Rose Marie |
He was State Chairman of the Liberal Party of New York, being the "face" of the party which was ruled with an iron fist by Alex Rose until 1976.
1994 Alex Rose (editor), Nisga'a Tribal Council, illustrated by Gary Flegehen, Nisga'a: People of the Nass River