Alexandre Bertrand, also curator of the Musée des Antiquités nationales in turn went on site in 1873 and conducted some excavations by himself.
Bertrand Russell | Alexandre Dumas | Jean-Bertrand Aristide | Bertrand Tavernier | Alexandre Benois | Bertrand Cantat | Yann Arthus-Bertrand | Alexandre Guilmant | Bertrand Delanoë | Bertrand Burgalat | Alexandre Yersin | Pierre Charles Alexandre Louis | Bertrand R. Brinley | Bertrand de Jouvenel | Alexandre Pires | Alexandre Herculano | Alexandre Dumas, fils | Alexandre Barbera-Ivanoff | Alexandre-Antonin Taché | Saint-Bertrand-de-Comminges | Plastic Bertrand | Mathieu Bertrand | Louis-Alexandre Taschereau | John Bertrand Conlan | Henri Gatien Bertrand | Charles-Alexandre Léon Durand Linois | Bertrand Renouvin | Bertrand Piccard | Bertrand Blier | Alexandre Michon |