
unusual facts about Ali Özgentürk

Adana Cinema Museum

Photos and artifacts on display of other well-known people from Adana associated with cinema are writer Yaşar Kemal (born 1923), actor Şener Şen (born 1941) and his father actor Ali Şen (1918-1989), Muzaffer İzgü (born 1933), Ali Özgentürk (born 1947), Orhan Duru, Aytaç Arman (born 1949), Bilal İnci, Meral Zeren, Menderes Samancılar, Nurhan Tekerek and Mahmut Hekimoğlu.

Ozan Güven

In addition to many TV series and critically successful art films such as Ali Özgentürk's Balalayka or Ümit Ünal's Dokuz (9), Ozan Güven also starred with his friend Cem Yılmaz in the science fiction comedy G.O.R.A, its sequel A.R.O.G as well as in the Western parody Yahşi Batı.

see also