Cruz Alta | Alta California | Alta Floresta | Alta controversy | Alta | Ribagorça | Cruz Alta, Rio Grande do Sul | Kåfjord, Alta | Alta, Norway | Toa Alta | Punta Alta | Chincha Alta District | Alta river | Alta Communications | Alta Car and Engineering Company | Universidade de Cruz Alta | Toa Alta, Puerto Rico | Società per le strade ferrate dell'Alta Italia | Società Anonima per le Ferrovie dell'Alta Valtellina | Pimería Alta | Gar'alta | Chincha Alta | Alta Weiss | Alta View Hospital | Alta Verapaz Department | Alta-Talvik | Alta Partners | Alta Lake, British Columbia | Alta Lake (British Columbia) | Alta Lake |
The area corresponds to the modern administrative units of Ribagorza and La Litera/Llitera, in the province of Huesca, Aragon, and Alta Ribagorça in the province of Lleida, Catalonia.
9th region, the capital was Tremp and the comarques: l'Alt Urgell, el Pallars Jussà, el Pallars Sobirà and la Vall d'Aran (l'Alta Ribagorça, newly created in 1987, was back then included in this region).