
unusual facts about Amateur Athletic Association

Bernhard Wise

He was amateur mile champion of Great Britain, 1879–81, and his interest in athletics led to his co-founding the Amateur Athletic Association, alongside Clement Jackson, and Montague Shearman, of which he was elected the first president.

Clement Jackson

Together with two other Oxford men, Montague Shearman and Bernhard Wise, he was the guiding force in the founding of the Amateur Athletic Association on 24 April 1880.

Manchester Regional Arena

It has hosted the AAA Championships and Paralympic World Cup, and was the reserve home ground of the Manchester City reserve team prior to moving to Ewen Fields in June 2010.

see also

Far Eastern Games

It was at that time that Governor-General William Cameron Forbes was the president of the Philippine Amateur Athletic Association from 1911-1913.

Halifax Rules

Power recorded the rules as related to him by Byron Weston who had become the president of the Dartmouth Amateur Athletic Association and who had played in the Halifax-Dartmouth area as early as the 1860s with teams from the area including native Mi'kmaq players.