In this tale, loosely based upon the life of Kazan's uncle, the director uses little-known cast members, with the entire storyline revolving around the central performance of Greek actor Stathis Giallelis (born 1941), twenty-two years old at the time of production, who is in virtually every scene of the nearly three-hour movie.
Nevertheless, he attempts to salvage the situation by proposing that Stavros marry a wealthy merchant's (Paul Mann) young daughter (Linda Marsh).
These films included America America, Ulta Palta and Amrutha Varshini and saw him playing both serious and comic roles.
North America | South America | Latin America | Confederate States of America | America | Boy Scouts of America | Good Morning America | Bank of America | Central America | United Way of America | Captain America | Voice of America | Miss America | All-America | America's Got Talent | America's Next Top Model | The Catholic University of America | America One | Socialist Party of America | Evangelical Lutheran Church in America | Copa América | America's Most Wanted | América de Cali | Writers Guild of America | Independent station (North America) | Motion Picture Association of America | God Bless America | Directors Guild of America | America's Cup | Justice Society of America |