
3 unusual facts about American Alpine Club

American Alpine Journal

The American Alpine Journal is an annual magazine published by the American Alpine Club.

Gregory William Frux

This work have been included in the permanent collection of the National Park Service and exhibited by the American Alpine Club.

Harish Kapadia

Harish Kapadia has donated a substantial number of photographs and maps to the American Alpine Club and to the Swiss National Museum, which are setting up the Lt. Nawang Kapadia Collection.

Wilderness Risk Management Conference

The founding group consisted of representatives from NOLS, Outward Bound USA, Wilderness Medical Society, Exum Mountain Guides, Association for Experiential Education, National Park Service, National Safety Network, American Alpine Club, and Outdoor Network.

see also

Bill Putnam hut

The hut was built by the Alpine Club of Canada (ACC) in 1965 as a project proposed and largely overseen by noted author and alpinist William Lowell Putnam III, who later became president of the American Alpine Club for several years and a long-term board member.