
unusual facts about American Cinematographer

Seen by Scene Communications

The company is located in Utah and is reported in the American Cinematographer.

see also

Alexander Yellen

Alexander Yellen (born January 26, 1981) is an American cinematographer, who is best known for his work on giant monster and disaster movies airing on the SyFy channel such as Mega Shark Versus Giant Octopus and Titanic II.

Foundations of the Stereoscopic Cinema

Lenny Lipton is the author of Independent Filmmaking, The Super 8 Book, and Lipton on Filmmaking, and his articles on films and film making have appeared in numerous magazines and journals, including Super-8 Filmmaker and American Cinematographer.


Tony Gaudio (1883–1951), an Italian-American cinematographer and brother of Eugene


Walter Holscher American cinematographer and film art director, perhaps best known for his work on The Wild One.

Hossein Jafarian

His work draws comparisons with the American cinematographer Gordon Willis for his use of darkness and low-key lighting.

Jan D'Alquen and Ron Eveslage

Jan D'Alquen and Ron Eveslage are American cinematographers best known for their work with film director George Lucas on the sleeper hit film, 1973's American Graffiti.

John Alton

John Alton A.S.C. (October 5, 1901 – June 2, 1996), born Johann Altmann, in Sopron/Ödenburg, Kingdom of Hungary, Austria-Hungary, was an American cinematographer.

John Hora

John Hora A.S.C. (born February 16, 1940), also known as John C. Hora, is an American cinematographer active from the 1970s to the 2000s.

Paul Edwards

Paul A. Edwards, American cinematographer, camera operator and television director

Russell Ward

:Not to be confused with the American cinematographer Ward Russell.

Stephen H. Burum

Stephen Henry Burum, A.S.C. (born November 25, 1939) is an American cinematographer.


Robert Tregenza (born 1950), American cinematographer and film director