
unusual facts about American College of Sports Medicine

John Lawther

After leaving coaching, Latham became a professor and athletic administrator at Penn State and became a fellow of the American College of Sports Medicine.

Don E. Detmer

Don Detmer is a former trustee of the Nuffield Trust, a member of the Institute of Medicine as well as a lifetime Associate of the US National Academies, a fellow of AAAS, and the American Colleges of Medical Informatics, Sports Medicine, and Surgeons.

Exercise is Medicine

Exercise is Medicine is a nonprofit initiative launched by the American College of Sports Medicine (ACSM) and the American Medical Association (AMA).


HealthRadio.net has strategic alliances with the American Academy of Pediatrics, the American College of Sports Medicine, the American Heart Association, the American College of Emergency Physicians, RealAge.com, and others, producing talk shows with each entity.

see also