
unusual facts about American Economic Association

Charles Cahan

Cahan was a member of the American Economic Association, and American Academy of Political and Social Science.

Harry Gordon Johnson

In 1977 he was named a distinguished fellow of the American Economic Association, and in 1976 the Canadian government named him an officer of the Order of Canada.

Joelle Schmitz

A member of Transportation Research Board (TRB), American Economic Association (AEA), American Political Science Association (APSA), International Political Science Association (IRSA), Schmitz also contributes as an associate of the Mineta Transportation Institute.

Land Economics

The journal was established in 1925 by the founder of the American Economic Association, Richard T. Ely (University of Wisconsin).

Richard F. Ericson

Dr. Ericson was a member of Phi Beta Kappa, Beta Gamma Sigma, American Economic Association, American Management Association, Society for General Systems Research, American Cybernetics Association, The Academy of Management, the American Association for the Advancement of Science, and the World Future Society.

William Nordhaus

In 2004, Nordhaus was designated a Distinguished Fellow of the American Economic Association (AEA), along with George P. Shultz and William A. Brock.

see also


William Nordhaus, President-elect of American Economic Association, economist author