
unusual facts about American Folklife Center

Sticky-shed syndrome

Dr. John Van Bogart at the National Media Laboratory has recommended the process, as well as the tape manufacturer Ampex, the sound recording industry magazine, Mix, the Association of Moving Image Archivists and the American Folklife Center and the Motion Picture, Broadcasting & Recorded Sound Division of the Library of Congress.

Nellie Mae Rowe

Her work is in numerous private and public collections, including the Morris Museum of Art in Augusta, Georgia, the High Museum of Art in Atlanta, the Smithsonian American Art Museum and the Library of Congress American Folklife Center in Washington, D.C., and the American Folk Art Museum in New York City, New York.

Stetson Kennedy

His contribution to the preservation and propagation of folk culture is the subject of a dissertation, "Stetson Kennedy: Applied Folklore and Cultural Advocacy" (University of Pennsylvania, 1992), by Peggy Bulger, who assumed the directorship of the American Folklife Center at the Library of Congress in 1999.

see also