
unusual facts about American Petroleum Institute

Algur H. Meadows

Meadows was a Presbyterian, a Mason, and a member of numerous professional, civic, and social organizations, including the American Petroleum Institute, Independent Petroleum Association, Dallas Petroleum Club, Dallas Art Association, Dallas Citizens Council, and Sigma Nu fraternity.

Custody transfer

Custody transfer metering systems must meet requirements set by industry bodies such as AGA, API, or ISO, and national metrology standards such as OIML (International), NIST (U.S.), PTB (Germany), CMC (China), and GOST (Russia), among others.

J. Howard Marshall

In 1941, he was called back to Washington, D.C. during the war as Solicitor of the Petroleum Administration for War, helping develop America's energy policy during the war including the Cole Pipeline Act of 1941, and later as a member of the Committee on Reparations, the National Petroleum Council and the American Petroleum Institute.

see also


Crude Oil Data Exchange, an electronic business standard sanctioned by the American Petroleum Institute