
2 unusual facts about American Society for Engineering Education

Kerry Hannon

Hannon’s work has appeared in CBS MoneyWatch.com, AARP Bulletin Today, The Wall Street Journal, Business Week, Readers Digest, Good Housekeeping, Institutional Investor, USAA Magazine, Working Woman, Bloomberg Personal Finance, Your Company, Prism, The Chronicle of The Horse and Advertising Age, among other national publications.

Said Tayeb Jawad

Awards and honorary degrees granted to Jawad include the Constitutional Loya Jirga Service, Medal, Government of Afghanistan, Kabul, Afghanistan, 2003; Global Citizen Award, Roots of Peace, Washington, D.C., 2008; Honorary Doctorate Degree in Organization Leadership, Argosy University, Washington, D.C. 2007; and the Award of Merit for Rebuilding a Nation, American Society for Engineering Education, Washington, D.C, 2007.

James Kip Finch

Among other institutions, Finch was affiliated with the American Society for Engineering Education; the Society for Promotion of Engineering Education; the Newcomen Society of England; Tau Beta Pi; Sigma Xi; the Columbia Faculty Club; the Sanctum club, in Litchfield, CT; and the Century Association in New York.

Robert G. Jahn

He has received the Curtis W. McGraw Research Award of the American Society for Engineering Education and an honorary Doctor of Science degree from Andhra University.

see also