
unusual facts about American hegemony

Hassan Rahimpour Azghadi

Some of the subjects he addresses are notably that of the Islamic Hijab (veil), Westoxification, American hegemony, Communism, Christianity, Hezbollah, Jihad, Ayatollah Khomeini, Freedom, Marxism, Western moral corruption, nuclear energy, Shi'a Islam, Israel, Aristotle and Plato, Liberal Democracy, Islamic economics, political Islam but also youth affairs and social struggle.

see also

Beresford Richards

Similarly, in March 1949, he was the only other CCF caucus member who did not repudiate statements made by St. Clements MLA Wilbert Doneleyko, denouncing the Marshall Plan and plans for an Atlantic Treaty as a new American hegemony.

Boyer Lectures

2003 - Owen Harries "Benign or Imperial? Reflections on American Hegemony"