
unusual facts about Amhara people

Almayahu Haile

An Amhara, Almayahu was a graduate of the Dina Police College in Addis Ababa and of Haile Selassie University (now Addis Ababa University); his education leads the Ottaways to suspect that this was a factor in his feud with Mengistu Haile Mariam.


They were first described, during the reign of Emperor Ba'eda Maryam (r. 1468-1478), as inhabiting the region between Enderta (in Tigray province) and Lake Ashenge (Today in Tigray Region, formerly part of the Amhara province of Wollo), neighboring the Afars of the vassal Dankali Sultanate on the east.


The five largest ethnic groups reported in Fentale were the Oromo (46.54%), the Amhara (17.73%), the Kambaata (12.19%), the Hadiya (12.19%), and the Welayta (1.08%); all other ethnic groups made up 2.58% of the population.

Hadiya Zone

The four largest ethnic groups reported in Hadiya were the Hadiya (90.04%), the Kambaata (1.96%), the Gurage (1.53%), and the Amhara (1.32%); all other ethnic groups made up 5.15% of the population.

The five largest ethnic groups reported in Hadiya were the Hadiya (78.16%), the Silte (10.13%), the Kambaata (2.22%), the Soddo Gurage (1.8%), and the Amhara (1.63%); all other ethnic groups made up 6.06% of the population.

Misraq Shewa Zone

The five largest ethnic groups reported in Misraq Shewa were the Oromo (69.59%), the Amhara (16.77%), the Soddo Gurage (2.21%), the Kambaata (2%), and the Welayta (1.78%); all other ethnic groups made up 7.65% of the population.

Semien Omo Zone

The largest ethnic groups reported in this Zone included the Welayta (44.17%), the Gamo (26.65%), the Kullo (10.15%), the Gofa (9.12%), the Basketo (1.87%), the Konta (1.86%), and the Amhara (1.84%); all other ethnic groups made up 4.34% of the population.


The five largest ethnic groups reported in Seraro were the Oromo (80.04%), the Alaba (4.05%), the Kambaata (3.01%), the Welayta (2.82%), and the Amhara (1.01%); all other ethnic groups made up 9.07% of the population.

Shashamene Zuria

The five largest ethnic groups reported in Shashamene were the Oromo (74.11%), the Amhara (9.26%), the Welayta (5%), the Kambaata (2.3%), and the Soddo Gurage (2.13%); all other ethnic groups made up 7.2% of the population.


Most of northern Shewa, made up of the districts of Menz, Tegulet, Yifat, Menjar, Bulga is populated mostly by Christian Amharas and Oromos, while southern and eastern Shewa have large Oromo and Muslim populations.

see also


Amharic language, an Afro-Asiatic tongue spoken by the Amhara people