Anthony Hopkins | Anthony van Dyck | Marc Anthony | Anthony Eden | Anthony Quinn | Anthony Braxton | Susan B. Anthony | Anthony Burgess | Anthony Trollope | Anthony | Anthony Kennedy | Anthony of Padua | Anthony Wayne | Anthony Bourdain: No Reservations | Anthony Powell | Anthony Caro | Anthony Bourdain | Anthony Blunt | Anthony Newley | Anthony Head | St. Anthony | Carmelo Anthony | Anthony LaPaglia | Anthony Kenny | Piers Anthony | Mark Anthony | Anthony Minghella | Anthony the Great | Anthony Michael Hall | Anthony Kiedis |
As a result of the massive Bevanite grassroots mobilization against Gaitskell, the CDS was established in October 1960 by a group of Labour politicians and supporters, among the most prominent of which were Bill Rodgers, Dick Taverne, Anthony Crosland, Douglas Jay, Roy Jenkins.
Circular 10/70 was an attempt by Margaret Thatcher as Secretary for Education in 1970 to reverse the effects of Circular 10/65 (sometimes called the Crosland Circular since it was issued by Anthony Crosland as Secretary for Education under Wilson in 1965) and Circular 10/66.