
2 unusual facts about Anthony Hill

1813 in Wales

Anthony Hill and his two brothers go into partnership at the Plymouth ironworks.

Gillian Wise

She studied art at the Wimbledon and Central schools of Art and early in the 1950s became the youngest member of the Constructionist group, centred around Victor Pasmore and including Adrian Heath, John Ernest, Anthony Hill, Kenneth Martin, and Mary Martin.

Lawrence Alloway

In his 1954 book Nine Abstract Artists he promoted the Constructivist artists that emerged in Britain after the Second World War: Robert Adams, Terry Frost, Adrian Heath, Anthony Hill, Roger Hilton, Kenneth Martin, Mary Martin, Victor Pasmore and William Scott.

see also

Selby Avenue

The street was named after Jeremiah W. Selby, who owned a farm on St. Anthony Hill, the present location of the Cathedral of Saint Paul.