
unusual facts about Apple II series

Composite monitor

From the late 1970s stand-alone composite monitors came into use, including by the Apple II, Commodore VIC 20/64/128, Atari, the IBM PC with CGA card, some computers compatible with it, and other home and business computers of the 1980s.

Joel Billings

Designed for the TRS-80 and Apple II home computers, it is viewed as the first computer war game ever published.

Online service provider

As the use of computers that supported color and graphics, such the Atari 800, Commodore 64, Texas Instruments TI-99/4A, the Apple II series and early IBM PC compatibles, increased, online services gradually developed framed or partially graphical information displays.

ST Robotics

The arms were programmed in the programming language BASIC and would run on any of the popular makes of computers of the time such as Apple (Apple II series), Acorn Electron, Atari, BBC Micro or the Commodore Pet.

see also

Applied engineering

Applied Engineering, a hardware vendor for the Apple II series of computers