His great-great-grandfather, Robert Pratt, served with the 1st Connecticut Artillery at the Siege of Petersburg, which led to Lee’s surrender at Appomattox.
When Grant decided to recommend surrender to Robert E. Lee during the Appomattox Campaign, it was Williams who took the message to the Confederate lines.
Peninsula Campaign | Guadalcanal Campaign | North African Campaign | the campaign | Barack Obama presidential campaign, 2008 | John McCain presidential campaign, 2008 | Gallipoli Campaign | Sinai and Palestine Campaign | Red River Campaign | Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament | Appomattox | Oil Campaign of World War II | Human Rights Campaign | Campaign for Real Ale | Appomattox Court House | advertising campaign | Vicksburg Campaign | Carolinas Campaign | Atlanta Campaign | Vietnam Campaign Medal | Political campaign | Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee | Burma Campaign | Gettysburg Campaign | Solomon Islands campaign | Overland Campaign | Mitt Romney presidential campaign, 2012 | International Campaign to Ban Landmines | Hillary Clinton presidential campaign, 2008 | Mesopotamian campaign |
It was at Darbytown Road where he was most seriously injured after suffering a shot to the head and losing the function of his left eye, but he managed to recover in time to participate in the Appomattox Campaign.
Early in the Appomattox Campaign, Smyth commanded the 2nd division of the corps until Francis C. Barlow was assigned to lead it.