
unusual facts about Appropriations bill

United States House Appropriations Subcommittee on Commerce, Justice, Science, and Related Agencies

The United States House Committee on Appropriations has joint jurisdiction with the United States Senate Committee on Appropriations over all appropriations bills in the United State Congress.

see also

Antideficiency Act

The ADA is cited as the reason for a government shutdown when Congress misses a deadline for passing an interim or full-year appropriations bill.

Pat Morris Neff

Neff was succeeded as governor by Miriam Wallace "Ma" Ferguson, wife of controversial former Governor James E. Ferguson, who defeated a stronger-than-usual Republican nominee, George C. Butte, an American jurist who had opposed James Ferguson's line item veto of the 1917 University of Texas appropriations bill.

Signal Corps in the American Civil War

The United States Senate eventually approved the appropriations bill, over the objections of Jefferson Davis, now Senator from Mississippi, and President James Buchanan signed it into law on June 21, 1860, the date now celebrated as the birthday of the modern U.S. Army Signal Corps.


Wilmot Proviso, a rider on an 1846 appropriations bill meant to prevent slavery in territories acquired in the Mexican-American War

Wilmot Proviso

Congressman David Wilmot first introduced the Proviso in the United States House of Representatives on August 8, 1846, as a rider on a $2,000,000 appropriations bill intended for the final negotiations to resolve the Mexican–American War (this was only three months into the two-year war).