The topscorer award was given to Cristiane for a second time and the best player award was won by Karen Araya from Colo Colo.
The participants were separated into two separate blocks; Shigeo Okumura, Nobukazu Hirai, Hideki Hosaka, Hi69, Mitsuya Nagai and Ryuji Hijikata were in "Block A" and Nobutaka Araya, Yaz Urano, Tomoaki Honma, Gran Naniwa, Kazushi Miyamoto, and Masato Tanaka were in "Block B".
On 28 April 1932, according to legend, the corpse of Ras Gugsa Araya Selassie entered Adigrat strapped upright on his war mule.
Araya's support was limited to the rural provinces of Guanacaste, Puntarenas and Limón, where the PLN maintains a strong party support system.
Luciano Araya (born August 5, 1993 in Junín, Argentina) is an Argentine footballer currently playing for Unión San Felipe of the Primera División B in Chile.
Milestone's current restorations in theaters include Margot Benacerraf's Araya (, the Mariposa Film Group's Word Is Out: Stories of Some of Our Lives ( and Portrait of Jason.