Following the Akallabêth, the surviving Elendili who established the kingdoms of Arnor and Gondor shunned Adûnaic in favour of Sindarin due to the associations of the former with the tyrannical Ar-Pharazôn and his followers the King's Men.
In The Battle for Middle-earth II's expansion pack The Rise of the Witch-king the campaign tells the story of the Kingdom of Angmar and the fall of Arnor.
In J. R. R. Tolkien's literary works, the House of Elendil is the House from which the Kings of Arnor and Gondor were descended.
In T.A. 3019 he was crowned King Elessar of the Reunited Kingdom of Gondor and Arnor (Aragorn was an descendant of Fíriel, a princess of Gondor who married prince Arvedui of Fornost a few generations before the line of the kings of Gondor ended).
Also, at the end of The Silmarillion, "Akallabêth", or 'the falling of a star,' recounts the fall of Númenor and its kings, and also the rise of Gondor and Arnor.
It also comes with a new campaign based on Angmar, consisting of eight missions telling the rise of the Witch-king of Angmar and the fall of the kingdom of Arnor.
The campaign tells the story of the fall of the Kingdom of Arnor at the hands of Angmar and the Witch-king.