Worms | Worms, Germany | Alzey-Worms | Worms 3D | worms | Burchard of Worms | The Worms of Kukumlima | The Arrogant Worms | Green Apple Worms | Analog Worms Attack | Alzey-Worms (district) | Worms Synagogue | Worms-Pfeddersheim | Worms: Open Warfare 2 | Worms: Clan Wars | Worms (city) | Worms Cathedral | Worms: A Space Oddity | WoRMS | Waldrada of Worms | Waiting for the Worms | German citizens, publicly reading ''Der Stürmer'', in Worms, Germany | 100 Days with Mr. Arrogant |
The band's most famous songs have been renditions of the folk music classics "The Log Driver's Waltz" and "Drunken Sailor", as well as a cover of the Arrogant Worms' "The Last Saskatchewan Pirate".
Get Stupid! is a book released in February 2005 that was written by one of the Arrogant Worms, Trevor Strong.