Aryan | Indo-Aryan languages | Establishment Clause | Grandfather clause | Commerce Clause | Aryan race | Supremacy Clause | Due Process Clause | Aryan Kaganof | Aryan Brotherhood | The Santa Clause | Indo-Aryan peoples | Hell or high water clause | Aryan (2006 film) | Aryan (1988 film) | The Vicinage Clause may allow the commission of the "perfect crime | The Aryan Path | Non-compete clause | Necessary and Proper Clause | Horn clause | Hitler's Priestess: Savitri Devi, the Hindu-Aryan Myth and Neo-Nazism | grandfather clause | Full Faith and Credit Clause | Establishment clause | establishment clause | Entrenched clause | due process clause | commerce clause | Collective action clause | Choice of law clause |
In June, the Film Credit Bank had been founded to control the staffing of films through their funding and the Aryan clause had forbidden non-Germans and non-"Aryans", with few exceptions, from participating in the production or distribution of German films.