
3 unusual facts about Association of Collegiate Schools of Architecture

Beverly Willis

Working Neighborhoods: Failed Policies and Fresh Directions, a one day assessment of new directions for development of working neighborhoods, co-hosted by the Association of Collegiate Schools of Architecture, and held in New York City and Oakland California.

Center for Architecture, Science and Ecology

In the 2011-12 Association of Collegiate Schools of Architecture Awards, Jason Vollen from CASE in collaboration with Alvaro Malo from University of Arizona and Dale Clifford from Carnegie Mellon University won a 2011-12 Creative Achievement Award on Emerging Materials Technologies with the realm or creative design thinking.

Michael Haverland

Michael Haverland Architect, PC has been recognized with numerous design awards from the American Institute of Architects (New York and Connecticut chapters), the Congress for the New Urbanism, the Association of Collegiate Schools of Architecture, and the Brick Industry Association.

see also