
unusual facts about Astrophysical Journal

Bernard Eastlund

His later work included co-authoring two papers in the Astrophysical Journal regarding pulsars, and he also presented a paper on Gamma Bursters.

Hebei Normal University

Some of the achievements produced from these programs, which published in ScienceThe Plant CellInventions, MathematicalAdvances in Mathematics, Astrophysical Journal are first-level both home and abroad.

Joseph Sweetman Ames

Ames was also an assistant editor of Astrophysical Journal and associate editor of the American Journal of Science; editor-in-chief of the Scientific Memoir Series; and editor of J. von Fraunhofer's memoirs on Prismatic and Diffractive Spectra (1898).

see also

IOP Publishing

and the International Society for Breath Odor Research, and the Astrophysical Journal group of titles are published for the American Astronomical Society