
unusual facts about Athabasca oil sands


The generic name is derived from the name of the Athabasca River, which runs through Athabasca oil sands area where the holotype was collected, and sauros, Greek for "lizard".

Northern Alberta

Other tourist attractions in Northern Alberta include the Fort McMurray Historical Society-Heritage Park, Historic Dunvegan, Kimiwan Birdwalk and Interpretive Centre, Lesser Slave Lake Bird Observatory in the Lesser Slave Lake Provincial Park, Muskoseepi Park, and the Oil Sands Discovery Centre.

Schnabel car

One notable load of CEBX 800 was completed in January 2006, transporting a reactor for Nexen Inc. and OPTI Canada from Duluth, Minnesota to the Athabasca oil sands in northern Alberta.

Tanzeel Merchant

He is advising mayor Melissa Blake of the Regional Municipality of Wood Buffalo, home to the Athabasca Oil Sands - in her effort to manage their rapid growth, and plan for a better, more sustainable long-term future.

see also