
3 unusual facts about Atrato river

Choco Tinamou

The completion of the Pan-American highway through Darién and the canalisation of the Truandó and lower Atrato Rivers, to make an inter-oceanic fairway, are currently on hold, but could have serious effects on the species if it is to be completed.


Collectively they are known as the Chocó and belong to two major groups: the Embirá, of upper Atrato and San Juan Rivers, and the Wuanana of the lower San Juan River.

Royal Audiencia of Guatemala

The borders of the new Panama Audiencia were in east, the coast from the Darién River to the Ulúa River; and in the west, the coast from Buenaventura to the Gulf of Fonseca.


Part and is one of the constituent territories of the region of Darién together with the towns of Unguía Jurado and the municipality of Riosucio west of Atrato river, in the northwestern department of Chocó and the border with Panama.

Province of Tierra Firme

The eastern frontier of Tierra Firme also included the east side of the Gulf of Darién or Urabá, the east side of the Atrato and Truando rivers, ending in Cabo Marzo on the Pacific side.

see also